
Orbis One Sheet


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Brand refreshes are an exercise of extremes: how close can you stay to the initial brand, and how far can you push into something new. This can often be a somewhat arduous path, but always a fruitful one.

Orbis, a 20-year-old software company working with recreational real estate and geolocation technology, was at an impasse. Their business needed some better foundational messaging, and a refreshed brand. Moreover, they had an idea of what they wanted, but couldn’t exactly put it into words. 

Utilizing trusted research, and by truly listening to the client, Altitude refreshed Orbis’ brand, web presence, and positioning to encompass their unique voice, audiences, and offering.

The result was a look and feel that modernized their old brand instead of abandoning it. The new brand emphasizes vibrance, scalability, and a focus on innovation while never abandoning its roots. And, as Orbis added subbrands and new offerings, that scalability got the opportunity to be put to the test, further expanding their existing brand guidelines, finding elasticity and consistency in ample balance.

Orbis Style Guide

Orbis One Sheet