LVL Engineering

LVL Engineers

LVL Engineering Group

A Rich History
& A FRESH Start

How do you brand startup that… isn’t a startup? That was the question Altitude was posed with when approached by Jon Tresslar and his team of seasoned engineers. With a rich history of great work and case studies, how does one create a new entity without relying on those pillars?

The first thing Altitude focused on were the values and skills that “Newco” brought to the table: expertise, trust, and accuracy. From there, we were able to start “namestorming.” We conducted solid research into their competitors, identified their differentiators, and began ideating new identities.

Throughout a few sessions of the Altitude account team throwing out ideas and refining those ideas, we were able to identify a few possible candidates with which we could potentially build this new brand. 

LVL Engineers

LVL Engineering Group was born out of those namestorming sessions. And working side-by-side, the content and and creative teams began to craft a full picture of who LVL is: A team of trusted engineering professionals with decades of knowledge and a future built on a strong and sturdy foundation.

LVL collateral

LVL Website